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奥斯卡导演柯文思评“黑悟空”:打开中国魅力的全球想象空间 The Academy Award

很多号2024-10-20 08:51:08【知识】4人已围观


  9月20日,黑悟空在2024北京文化论坛“文化传播:影视制作与时代表达”平行论坛上,卡导开中空间怎样才能注消珍爱网账号多位制作人、演柯怎样才能注消珍爱网账号影视行业嘉宾就影视创作进行深入交流。文思奥斯卡获奖导演柯文思在采访中谈到近来爆火的评打游戏《黑神话·悟空》,他认为,国魅把常常在电影中呈现的全球中国神话和传说放在制作精良的游戏中,为全球想象中的想象中国魅力提供了一个很好的范例。“这种软实力正是黑悟空中国必须专注的。”(中青报·中青网记者 张诗童)

  On September 20,卡导开中空间 at the parallel forum "Cultural Dissemination: Film and Television Production with Relevance to the Present Times" of the 2024 Beijing Culture Forum, multiple producers and guests from the film and television industry engaged in deep exchanges on film and television creation. Malcolm Clarke, the Academy Award-winning director, spoke in an interview about the recently viral game "Black Myth: Wukong". He believes that placing Chinese myths and legends, often depicted in films, within a well-crafted game provides a great example of China's charm in the global imagination. Malcolm said, "That kind of soft power is exactly what china has to concentrate on."(Elena Zhang, Journalist from China Youth Daily)

奥斯卡导演柯文思评“黑悟空”:打开中国魅力的全球想象空间 The Academy Award
